The Pros and Cons of Wix

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Wix is a popular website builder that allows users to create attractive websites without design or coding experience. It offers a user-friendly interface and a drag-and-drop website builder, making it easy to customize your site. Wix provides a wide range of templates and integrates with a variety of third-party apps for added functionality. However, there are some limitations to consider, such as limited customization options and dependency on Wix hosting. Additionally, Wix has SEO limitations and lacks advanced e-commerce features. Despite these drawbacks, Wix offers affordable plans and is a great option for bloggers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners.

Key Takeaways

  • Wix is a user-friendly website builder with a drag-and-drop interface.
  • It offers a wide range of customizable templates and integrates with third-party apps.
  • However, Wix has limited customization options and is dependent on Wix hosting.
  • It also has SEO limitations and lacks advanced e-commerce features.
  • Despite these drawbacks, Wix is affordable and suitable for bloggers and small business owners.

What is Wix?

Overview of Wix

Wix is the oldest and most reliable website builder in the market. It comes with an extensive collection of templates, a user-friendly editor, and a range of integrations, all at affordable prices. However, you might experience slower speeds and a slightly complex interface. Overall, it’s a good option if you want to build quick websites using templates.

Features of Wix

Wix offers a wide range of templates and design options for different purposes. Many built-in features and functionality are available, but some may require paid plans. Wix integrates with several third-party apps to extend its capabilities.

Benefits of using Wix

Wix offers excellent design flexibility and powerful features that many businesses and entrepreneurs need to run their online businesses. With Wix, you can tailor your online presence for your audience and business needs using both basic and advanced features. Some notable benefits of using Wix include:

  • Online Scheduling: Allow your clients to book appointments directly online and even sell scheduled services.
  • Social Media Graphics: Use the Wix Social Post editor and templates to create custom Facebook and Instagram posts.
  • Team Functionality: Wix makes it easy to implement a team functionality on your website builder, allowing you to assign roles and permissions to different team members.

In addition, Wix offers a large template gallery, user-friendly editor, competitive pricing, good customer service, and hundreds of integrations for additional functionality.

Pros of using Wix

User-Friendly Interface

Wix comes with a modern and friendly interface for its users. It features vibrant and categorized visuals that are pleasing to the users and onlookers. The main screen displays a list of your websites along with options to edit them or create a new one. The Wix dashboard displays all the features and functions you can perform on your website on the left panel. Along with that, Wix also helps its users throughout the process of website building with a guided path to follow. There are steps given as check-off boxes that show the elements of different periods.

Drag-and-Drop Website Builder

Wix offers an intuitive drag-and-drop editor that allows you to easily customize your website design. With over 800 customizable templates to choose from, you have the flexibility to create a website that suits your needs. The drag-and-drop functionality allows you to add new elements and move them around with ease. Unlike some other website builders, Wix offers free-form drag and drop, which means you can move elements outside of the grid. However, it’s recommended to use this feature sparingly to ensure optimal functionality on different devices.

Wide Range of Templates

Wix offers more than 800 templates, covering a wide range of categories such as small business services, Health & Wellness, Beauty & Hair, Fashion & Style, Restaurants & Food, Travel & Tourism, Professional CVs, and more. These templates have a lively and aesthetic-looking structure, showcasing Wix’s commitment to providing contemporary designs. With over 16 years of experience, Wix has continuously adapted its templates to incorporate elements from different periods, ensuring that users have access to some of the most visually appealing templates on the internet.

App Market Integration

The Wix App Market is a one-stop shop for adding features and functionality to your website. With over 400 apps to choose from, you can enhance your website’s marketing, eCommerce, services, events, and communication capabilities. In the Marketing category, you can integrate with Google Ads, Mailchimp Forms, Instagram Feed, and more. For eCommerce, you can integrate with Amazon, Wix Stores, Etsy Shop, OrderDesk, and other platforms. Services and Events integration options include Google Event Calendar, Wix Booking, Events Calendar, and more. Communication can be improved with Wix Chat, HubSpot, WhatsApp, and Chat integrations. The App Market allows you to customize your website and expand its capabilities to meet your specific needs.

Cons of using Wix

Limited Customization Options

While Wix offers a wide range of templates to choose from, one drawback is the limited customization options. Unlike some other website builders, Wix does not provide full creative control with drag-and-drop capabilities. Instead, users are restricted to the pre-defined gridlines, making it challenging to move objects freely. Additionally, while users can choose their own colors and fonts, there are no complementary combinations created for them. This limitation may be frustrating for those who want to create a highly customized website that aligns perfectly with their brand.

Dependency on Wix Hosting

One of the potential drawbacks of using Wix is the dependency on Wix hosting. When you build a website with Wix, you are essentially tied to their hosting platform. This means that you cannot transfer your website to another hosting provider if you decide to switch in the future. While Wix provides reliable hosting services, some users may prefer the flexibility of being able to choose their own hosting provider. It’s important to consider this limitation before committing to Wix.

SEO Limitations

While Wix offers a range of SEO tools to help optimize your website for search engines, there are some limitations to be aware of. One limitation is that Google Analytics is not available on the free or Combo plans, so you won’t be able to track your website’s traffic in detail. Additionally, while Wix provides features like meta tags, canonical tags, and an XML sitemap to improve your site’s ranking, there may be some restrictions on customizing these elements across your pages. It’s important to carefully consider these SEO limitations when using Wix for your website.

Lack of Advanced E-commerce Features

While Wix offers a range of features for building an e-commerce website, it does have some limitations when it comes to advanced e-commerce functionality. One of the drawbacks is the lack of advanced customization options. Wix provides pre-designed templates that can be customized to a certain extent, but if you’re looking for more advanced customization, you may find Wix limiting.

Another limitation is the dependency on Wix hosting. When using Wix, your website is hosted on their platform, which means you don’t have full control over the hosting environment. This can be a disadvantage if you have specific hosting requirements or if you want to migrate your website to a different hosting provider in the future.

In terms of SEO, Wix has some limitations. While it provides basic SEO features like customizable meta tags and SEO-friendly URLs, it may not offer the same level of SEO optimization as other e-commerce platforms. This can impact your website’s visibility in search engine rankings.

Lastly, Wix lacks advanced e-commerce features that are essential for scaling and managing an online store. Features like product variations, recurring subscriptions, and advanced reporting may not be available on Wix or may require additional costs.

Overall, while Wix is a user-friendly platform for building a basic e-commerce website, it may not be the best choice if you require advanced customization, full control over hosting, extensive SEO optimization, and advanced e-commerce features.

Wix Pricing

Free Plan

Wix offers a free plan that allows users to create a functional online presence. With the free plan, users get a 500 MB storage space and bandwidth, along with a Wix sub-domain and ads. While the free plan does not provide eCommerce benefits and custom domain names, it serves as a great option for beginners to test the Wix website builder.

Premium Plans

Wix offers a range of premium plans that unlock additional features and benefits. These plans are designed for users who want to take their website to the next level and have more customization options. Here are the premium plans offered by Wix:

  1. Combo Plan: This plan is priced at $14 per month and includes a free domain for one year, 3GB of storage, and 2GB of bandwidth.

  2. Unlimited Plan: Priced at $18 per month, this plan offers unlimited bandwidth, 10GB of storage, and a professional logo.

  3. Pro Plan: For $23 per month, the Pro plan provides unlimited bandwidth, 20GB of storage, and a professional logo.

  4. VIP Plan: The VIP plan is the most advanced plan offered by Wix, priced at $39 per month. It includes unlimited bandwidth, 35GB of storage, priority customer support, and a professional logo.

These premium plans allow users to create a more professional and customized website, with additional storage, bandwidth, and support options. They are ideal for businesses or individuals who require more advanced features and want to enhance their online presence.

Additional Costs

In addition to the various pricing plans offered by Wix, there are some additional costs to consider. One of the main additional costs is the purchase of a domain name. While Wix offers a free domain for the first year with some of their premium plans, if you want a custom domain or if you already have a domain and want to connect it to your Wix site, there may be an additional fee. Another potential additional cost is the purchase of premium apps or plugins from the Wix App Market. These apps can add extra functionality to your website, but they often come with a price tag. It’s important to carefully consider these additional costs when budgeting for your Wix website.


In conclusion, Wix is a versatile website builder that offers a range of features and customization options. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for users without coding experience to create and design their websites. With over 500 customizable templates and built-in SEO tools, Wix provides the tools necessary to improve your site’s visibility in search engine results. Additionally, Wix offers over 300 app integrations, allowing users to add advanced features to their websites. However, the cluttered user interface and limited customization options may be overwhelming for beginners. Overall, Wix is a suitable choice for bloggers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners looking to quickly create attractive websites without the need for extensive design or coding knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Wix easy to use?

Yes, Wix is known for its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop website builder, making it easy for anyone to create a website without coding experience.

Can I customize my Wix website?

While Wix provides a wide range of templates to choose from, customization options may be limited compared to other website builders. However, you can still personalize your website to some extent.

Does Wix have good SEO capabilities?

Wix offers built-in SEO tools to help improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages. However, some users have reported limitations in terms of SEO customization options.

Can I sell products on my Wix website?

Yes, Wix has e-commerce capabilities that allow you to sell products on your website. However, it may not offer advanced e-commerce features compared to dedicated e-commerce platforms.

Is Wix hosting reliable?

Wix provides hosting for your website, but it also means that your website is dependent on Wix’s hosting infrastructure. While Wix generally offers reliable hosting, any issues with their servers could affect your website’s performance.

What are the pricing options for Wix?

Wix offers a free plan with limited features. They also have premium plans with additional features and benefits. Additionally, there may be additional costs for certain add-ons or integrations.

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